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EnSURE Touch Lab 02

Hygiena® EnSURE® Touch

EnSURE® Touch is an advanced cleaning verification and monitoring system that collects, analyzes and reports data from various test devices so you can prove the effectiveness of your cleaning programs. For food processing facilities, testing helps monitor the impact of cleaning and eliminates the risk of cross-contamination. In healthcare, it helps optimize infection prevention and lower HAI rates.

Ensure Touch
Ensure Touch
Ensure Touch Apps

EnSURE® Touch is an advanced cleaning verification and monitoring system that collects, analyzes and reports data from various test devices so you can prove the effectiveness of your cleaning programs. For food processing facilities, testing helps monitor the impact of cleaning and eliminates the risk of cross-contamination. In healthcare, it helps optimize infection prevention and lower HAI rates.


Intuitive Smartphone Design
Innovative design and intuitive navigation.
Easy to navigate and capture data , providing confidence in collecting data on one device.
Multiple Testing Options
Designed as a complete environmental monitoring solution.
Compatible with all test devices for ATP, enzyme, allergen, protein and sugar detection, simplifying your workflows.
Centralized Reports
Analyzes results across facilities into one dashboard.
Connects to SureTrend® over WiFi using SSL encryption to securely store your test results.
Connected and Wireless
Wi-fi allows syncing with analysis software.
Enable remote training, troubleshooting and setup, simplifying employee onboarding and usage.
Palm-size Technology
Minimal size and maximum durability.
Sleek, compact design, rugged outer shell and a shatter-resistant touchscreen minimizes downtime or bulky handling.
Online Remote Training
Remotely train and support your quality team.
Built-in screen-sharing capabilities securely streamlines onboarding your team, saving time and money.
Always Ready and Reliable
Accurate test reading every time with built-in controls.
Confirms instrument calibration on power up, ensuring accuracy of results and decision-making.
Better, Compact Technology
More durable and energy-efficient sensor technology.
Superior sensitivity and stability with state-of-the-art Photodiode sensor technology vs. photomultiplier sensors.
Randomize Testing Plans
Generate test plans by arbitrarily selecting locations.
Allows randomized testing within facilities that cannot test all locations every day, simplifying EM plans.
Photodiode (PD) sensor technology


EnSURE® Touch 采用最先进的光电二极管 (PD) 传感器技术,与易碎、笨重的光电倍增管 (PMT) 传感器相比,具有更高的灵敏度和稳定性。光电二极管设计小巧、轻薄、时尚,与光电倍增管相比具有多项优势。它们更耐用、更节能。

EnSure Touch


EnSURE® Touch 时尚、简约的设计使其易于握在手中......它只有 3 英寸 x 7 英寸 x 1 英寸。肩带可以在进行棉签擦拭时解放双手,方便的手带可以在进行测试时将其紧紧固定在手掌上。此外,坚固的外壳和防碎触摸屏可确保 EnSURE® Touch 在最恶劣的环境中也能安全使用。



内置倾斜监控器和传感器检查可确保每次都能获得准确的测试读数。只需打开自检功能,系统每次通电时都会确认校准。附加的 CalCheck(需单独购买)是一种 LED 校准验证装置,可用于验证校准。

Ensure Touch Connected & Wireless Enabled


EnSURE® Touch 具有开箱即用的 Wi-Fi 功能,使您无需通过 USB 连接,即可直接安全地将结果与我们强大的数据分析软件 SureTrend® 同步。无线功能还支持远程培训、故障排除和远程设置等其他功能。

Training and Support


利用内置的屏幕共享功能,远程培训和支持您的质量保证团队。EnSURE® Touch 预装了 TeamViewer 应用程序,允许您与任何联网设备安全共享 EnSURE® Touch 屏幕。TeamViewer 为每次共享会话提供一个安全、私密的 ID 和密码,您可以与您的团队共享。

Generate Test Plans


让 EnSURE® Touch 和 SureTrend® 通过从列表中随机选择位置来生成测试计划,并在给定时间段内为您提供统计覆盖率。对于无法每天测试每个位置,但又希望 100% 监控每个位置的设施而言,随机化是一项理想的功能。

EnSure Touch

RLU Calculator

Hygiena provides a conversion tool that assists in switching from any device to the EnSURE® Touch or SystemSURE Plus® luminometer. Choose your current device, input the minimum and maximum RLU thresholds, and then hit the calculate button. It will offer suggested RLU configurations for your convenience.

ATP Cleaning Verification Workflow

We offer a broad portfolio of products for robust and reliable hygiene monitoring by providing easy to use products that allow a fast and reliable cleaning verification.

Sample Collection
Workflow next
Sample Evaluation
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Data Analysis


SureTrend Cloud Product
SureTrend Cloud Product


SureTrend® 是一个平台,为获取可操作的见解提供了一个途径。它支持来自 ATP、快速指示剂、过敏原和 PCR 检测的数据。该平台提供来自多个来源和设施的安全数据集成。此外,该软件的环境地图可创建设施鸟瞰图,帮助您识别关键区域并管理和降低风险。您可以随时随地轻松查看、分析关键因素并对其进行趋势分析,从而改进决策。

Starter, Power or Premium Packages Available

Sample Collection




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