介绍最值得信赖的医疗保健清洁验证解决方案:ATP、EnSURE® Touch 和 SureTrend® 。保持表面清洁、消毒对于预防疾病和疾病爆发至关重要。使用快速、可靠且易于使用的解决方案来监控清洁度。
在医疗保健领域,虽然表面和设备的清洁与消毒方法可能各不相同,但确保清洁方法的有效性对于预防病毒和细菌引起的疾病至关重要。因此,环境服务 (EVS) 人员需要快速、可量化的数据点来确认清洁结果,并在需要时采取行动。
美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)强烈建议使用 ATP 清洁验证系统,将其作为评估清洁度的可量化客观方法,而不是仅仅依靠目视检查,因为目视检查可能非常主观。 另一方面,培养法的速度太慢,而且需要实验室设备和训练有素的人员;由于 ATP 本身具有速度快、操作简单等优点,因此建议使用 ATP 方法来监控日常清洁工作。ATP 检测还具有其他优势,如结果客观、反馈及时,只需少量培训,几秒钟就能得出结果。
ATP 测试如何改进清洁验证并减少 HAIs?
Boost Healthcare Sanitation Standards
Hygiena’s ATP monitoring system detects and quantifies contamination and validates adherence to cleaning protocols, assisting in identifying problem areas, evaluating cleaning procedures, and setting improvement goals in hospitals and healthcare facilities.
Confirm Effective Surface Cleanliness
Hygiena’s advanced ATP-based cleaning verification provides quantitative, science-backed data on actual surface cleanliness. Our intuitive solutions automate the testing and analysis process to give instant, quantitative insights on environmental hygiene efficacy - enabling you and your team to enhance procedures, standardize sanitation workflows and ultimately drive impact on reducing HAIs.
ATP 卫生系统的主要性能特点
检测最小量的 ATP
测量的 ATP 值与真实值一致
类似智能手机的 ATP 发光器和简单的拭抹过程可提供快速、可操作的通过/未通过结果。
专业团队提供从产品供应到 24/7 全天候技术援助的持续优化支持。
"EnSURE Touch 与 SureTrend Cloud 的结合,让我们对清洁工作的有效性充满信心,并感到安心、
- 圣约翰护理信托公司。
EnSURE® Touch Luminometer
Our intuitive, handheld instrument provides rapid pass/fail ATP sanitation testing results in 10 seconds for real-time surface cleanliness analysis.
Our cloud-based data analytics platform enables seamless data aggregation, analysis, mapping, trending, and centralized monitoring of enterprise-wide ATP testing results for optimal risk management and rapid decision-making.
High-sensitivity swabs are scientifically designed to effectively collect samples from critical environmental surfaces, providing ATP results that sync through the EnSURE Touch to SureTrend for immediate cleanliness verification and data analysis.
Hygiena® MediCheck™
A quick and easy way to verify cleanliness, MediCheck™ detects any protein residues left on a surface after cleaning. By simply swabbing the area and activating the device, you release a reagent that turns color, providing a qualitative and semi-quantitative result of the protein levels on the surface.
Hygiena® EndoSwab
Used in conjunction with the UltraSnap Surface ATP Test the EndoSwab features a foam tip attached to a long wand, which is used to collect test samples from the main endoscope channel. After sampling, the foam tip is cut off the wand and aseptically added to the ATP test device, processed and analyzed on a Hygiena® luminometer. The resulting RLUs indicate whether the internal channel was cleaned effectively.
The SuperSnap® High Sensitivity ATP Surface Test is 4x more sensitive than UltraSnap® ; it is capable of detecting extremely low levels of ATP, making it perfect for supporting stringent SOPs. Like all Hygiena® swabs, it’s extremely easy to use: just swab, snap and squeeze. Get results in seconds using the EnSURE® Touch Monitoring System so you can take immediate corrective actions and get back to production.
观看我们的视频,了解有关 Hygiena 清洁验证系统的更多信息,以及它如何帮助您优化流程。
EnSure Touch 功能
将 转换为 Hygiena 的清洁验证解决方案,立即降低 HAI 风险:
- 目视检查是主观的,而不是客观的;目视检查因时间和人员而异,对清洁度没有可衡量的反馈。
- ATP 检测可对清洁度进行测量,而且操作简便。
- 纸质数据收集既繁琐又容易出错。此外,它还不环保。
- EnSURE Touch可捕捉并保存所有数据,并立即反馈合格/不合格情况。
- SureTrend Cloud可让您绘制设施地图,并创建过去和现在的数据概览,包括突出显示的热点。