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GlutenTox® Pro

Designed especially for commercial kitchens and food manufacturers, GlutenTox® Pro is a user-friendly gluten detection kit for foods and beverages. GlutenTox® Pro contains the G12 antibody that specifically recognizes the 33-mer peptide, the gluten fraction that triggers a reaction in those with celiac disease.

GlutenTox Pro
GlutenTox Pro
GlutenTox Pro Usage - Food Samples

Designed especially for commercial kitchens and food manufacturers, GlutenTox® Pro is a user-friendly gluten detection kit for foods and beverages. GlutenTox® Pro contains the G12 antibody that specifically recognizes the 33-mer peptide, the gluten fraction that triggers a reaction in those with celiac disease.


High Sensitivity
Detects low levels of allergen (ppm/ppb/ppt)
Confidently know if allergens are present in your ingredients or products, ensuring safe food for consumption
Rapid Results
Results in as little as 10 minutes
Quickly evaluate food and beverage products to ensure they are free from potentially harmful allergens
High Specificity
No cross-reactivity with related allergens
Antibodies are specific for the allergens of concern, aligning with epitopes that trigger responses in humans
Easy to Use
Simple protocol that is easy to follow
Easily verify the allergens found in your ingredients and products
No Lab Equipment Required
Everything you need in one kit
Technicians can simply run the assay with the kit without having to track down specialized instruments for testing
Consistent results from test to test
Confidence that results reflect the levels of allergen in your raw ingredients or final products
GlutenTox Pro Swabs


GlutenTox® Pro 是一种用于精确检测食品、饮料和表面麸质的快速检测工具。专为需要快速、准确检测结果的无麸质食品制造商和处理人员设计,无需使用昂贵的实验室设备。它是一种半定量工具,可避免食品和表面意外受到麸质污染。每个试剂盒包含 25 个一次性使用的麸质检测试剂盒。

GlutenTox Pro Sticks

GlutenTox® Pro 是避免意外麸质污染的理想解决方案

GlutenTox® Pro 专为餐厅厨房、自助餐厅、餐饮公司和食品制造商设计,适用于处理可能含有麸质的配料和产品。它非常适合有原料进入和共用设施的环境,有助于确保最终产品的安全。

G12 Antibody

利用 G12 抗体的力量

G12 抗体是针对诱发乳糜泻的α-胶蛋白的高免疫毒性 33-mer肽提出的,它能识别来自小麦、大麦、黑麦和某些燕麦品种的免疫毒性脯氨酸。G12 抗体还能与其他有毒脯氨蛋白中的其他表位发生反应,并能与α-gliadin 的 33 聚体之外的其他胶蛋白中的类似序列发生反应。


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