Pipetting automation

foodproof® Magnetic Preparation Kit IV


The foodproof Magnetic Preparation Kit IV enables automated DNA isolation from enrichment cultures of food samples using magnetic bead technology. This kit, designed for use with the KingFisher Flex instrument, processes up to 400 μL of sample material from raw and processed foods. The system delivers high-quality DNA suitable for PCR applications through efficient cell lysis, DNA binding, and purification steps. The automated process minimizes hands-on time while preventing cross-contamination. With 480 isolations per kit and optimized protocols for bacterial DNA extraction, this solution streamlines sample preparation for food safety testing laboratories.

Technology: DNA/RNA Extraction

Key Benefits

Great Convenience
Few and simple pipetting steps
Easy and less error-prone sample and reagent handling
Streamlined workflows with simplified steps
Minimizes user errors and cross-contamination
Proven Protocols
Validated methods across many applications & matrices
Specific methods for the most commonly affected matrices

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