Hygiena Joins International Nut & Dried Fruit Council
Hygiena is proud to announce its membership in INC, the International Nut & Dried Fruit Council. We are excited to support their mission: to stimulate and facilitate sustainable growth in the global nut and dried fruit industry. By supporting them with rapid methods for testing nuts and dried foods for microbial and mycotoxin contamination, we will assist the council and its members to ensure their products are safe for consumers. Our technical expertise will help support their vision as an international resource for information on Nuts and Dried Fruits for food safety and quality standards. INC began as a group of business sector people meeting during a series of World Tree Nut Congresses in 1980-1983. They decided to formally constitute an association of an international character: INC – International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, with the goal of providing institutional strength to the defense and development of common interests among world-renowned nut companies. They expanded to include dried fruits as part of their sector, forming a professional body entitled INC-CIFS, International Tree Nut Council – Conseil International des Fruits Secs – Consejo Internacional de Frutos Secos – Consiglio International della Frutta Secca (International Dried Fruits Council). The name and logo today now represent both edible nuts and dried fruits.
The aims and objectives of INC are broadly defined as follows:
- To consider all aspects of production.
- To promote, encourage and stimulate consumption worldwide.
- To support investigation and research.
- To monitor customs duties, trade barriers and be available to advise governmental bodies on their significance.
- To coordinate and homogenize quality standards and trading terms within the framework of existing national and international bodies.
- To promote reunions and international conventions within the profession, to further goodwill and mutual understanding and to keep members advised of events and developments within the trade.
Membership is open to anyone engaged in the nut and dried fruit trade, producers, distributors, and consumers. We are looking forward to our membership and support. Watch for joint educational webinars in the future.