Pipetting Tube

foodproof® StarPrep Two Kit


The foodproof StarPrep Two Kit provides rapid DNA extraction from bacteria, yeast, and mold for direct PCR applications. This streamlined kit handles enrichment cultures, direct samples, and filtered water samples, processing up to 1 mL sample volume in a single tube. The lysis buffer eliminates hazardous organic extractions and chaotropic agents while minimizing cross-contamination risks. Designed for 96 reactions, the kit delivers high-quality DNA suitable for PCR detection of Listeria, Clostridium, Legionella, beer-spoiling bacteria, spoilage yeast, Aspergillus and others. Save time with reduced handling steps and get reliable results for food safety testing.

42 mL

Key Benefits

Great Convenience
Few and simple pipetting steps
Easy and less error-prone sample and reagent handling
Rapid Results
Reduced time to results enables faster decisions
Dozens of protocols to ensure faster detection/quantitation for your specific matrix of concern.
Proven Protocols
Validated methods across many applications & matrices
Specific methods for the most commonly affected matrices.

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