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BAX® System SalQuant®

Hygiena® is pioneering True Quantification of Salmonella as a unified resource across the full production chain. BAX® SalQuant® is an easy-to-use, affordable solution providing rapid, actionable decisions for the poultry, beef, and pork industries.

What happens when a sample tests positive? How actionable is presence/absence? What if you could know a load of Salmonella in a positive sample within the same shift or day?

BAX® System Q7

Hygiena® is pioneering True Quantification of Salmonella as a unified resource across the full production chain. BAX® SalQuant® is an easy-to-use, affordable solution providing rapid, actionable decisions for the poultry, beef, and pork industries.

What happens when a sample tests positive? How actionable is presence/absence? What if you could know a load of Salmonella in a positive sample within the same shift or day?

BAX System SalQuant Tested Matrices

Over 85,000 samples ran to date on various matrices to generate the protocols.

Available Protocols for Matrices:


  • Comminuted Poultry – AOAC-RI PTM℠
  • Carcass Rinsates – AOAC-RI PTM℠
  • Parts Rinsates – AOAC-RI PTM℠
  • Boot, Dust, Feet, Cloacal Swabs
  • Poultry Pads (Cardboard or Straw)
  • Feed
  • Ceca
  • Crop
  • Lungs


  • Ground Beef – AOAC-RI PTM℠
  • Beef Trim – AOAC-RI PTM℠
  • Beef Trim MicroTally™ – AOAC-RI PTM℠
  • Lymph Node
  • Cecal Contents and Swabs
  • Feces


  • Ground Pork – AOAC-RI PTM℠
  • Pork Trim – AOAC-RI PTM℠
  • Pork Trim MicroTally™ – AOAC-RI PTM℠
  • Head Trim Rinses
  • Carcass Swab
  • Lymph Node

Quantification Data Applications throughout the Full Value Chain

Live Production Icon

Live Production

  • Vaccine efficacy
  • Pre-Harvest antibiotic/probiotic efficiency
  • Flock house sanitation/cleaning monitoring
  • Determination of slaughter order
  • Source tracking of high load animals for corrective actions at farm level
  • Monitoring animal status overtime
  • Screening for presence/absence of Salmonella
Processing Icon


  • New and existing chemical and physical intervention evaluations
  • Biomapping of process locations to monitor intervention efficacy
  • Process control documentation support
  • Precise knowledge of Salmonella location and level of contamination
  • Tracking from incoming lots to final product
Final Product Icon

Final Product

  • Make release decisions faster for ground products contaminated with 1-10 CFU/g or mL (SalLimits or SalQuant)
  • Faster results to make diversion decisions
  • Determine the true meaning of Salmonella prevalence by applying quantitative values to the results
  • Provide support data for prevalence testing to reduce consumer risk when positive lots are released

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