GMO Identification

foodproof® SL GMO Maize Multiplex Detection Kit (MON88017, NK603, MIR162)

The foodproof SL GMO Maize Multiplex Detection Kit enables simultaneous identification of MON88017, NK603, and MIR162 maize events in food, feed, seeds, and raw materials using real-time PCR technology. This quadruplex PCR assay delivers reliable results through specific primer/probe sets and an Internal Control system, with sensitivity down to 0.01% for targeted GMO events. The kit incorporates UNG technology to prevent carry-over contamination and offers a streamlined workflow for food safety professionals requiring accurate GMO testing and regulatory compliance.


The foodproof SL GMO Maize Multiplex Detection Kit enables simultaneous identification of MON88017, NK603, and MIR162 maize events in food, feed, seeds, and raw materials using real-time PCR technology. This quadruplex PCR assay delivers reliable results through specific primer/probe sets and an Internal Control system, with sensitivity down to 0.01% for targeted GMO events. The kit incorporates UNG technology to prevent carry-over contamination and offers a streamlined workflow for food safety professionals requiring accurate GMO testing and regulatory compliance.


Avantages clés

Multiplex Assays
Detect multiple organisms in one single test
Identify several targets in one assay to save sample volume and time by improving workflows
Superior Sensitivity
Detects small organism numbers with low DNA levels (or low levels of DNA)
Easily detects low-level contamination, keeping affected food from being released and decreasing risk of recalls.
Accurate Results
Trust results due to a high sensitivity and specificity
Differentiates closely related species, meaning fewer re-tests and less waste of truly safe food.

foodproof® Workflow

We offer a broad portfolio of products for a robust and reliable real-time PCR detection by providing not only kits tailored to the needs in your lab but also instruments for automation of liquid handling and real-time PCR cyclers.

Sample Homogenization
Workflow next
Tailored DNA/RNA Extraction
Workflow next
Real-Time PCR Detection

Instruments de PCR en temps réel


 Dualo 32® R2

Le Dualo 32 R2 est un instrument robuste de 32 puits dans un format pratique, idéal pour les installations ayant un débit faible à moyen et peu d'espace de laboratoire. Le large spectre optique permet l'utilisation flexible de sondes d'hydrolyse et d'hybridation. L'instrument est optimisé pour le contrôle de la qualité de tous les paramètres de l'industrie alimentaire et des aliments pour animaux.



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